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AirTel Free GPRS Hacked For your Mobile and PC

Dear users try dis new ip working free wid default mobile office: live.airtelworld.comtrick for all version of mig33,shmessenger,ebuddx,opera,uc,bolt and for handler except nimbuzz.... one setting and one front query for all handler... Its work with mig33,ebuddy,shmessenger,opera,uc,bolt inshort it works with all software just u have to put only one front query and to use only one edited setting 4 all software streaming,resume downloading,uploading is possible just change suite settings step 1: make new setting Use anyof the below setting for handler connection name : RESUME1 MOBILE OFFICE apn : airtelgprs.comproxy : : 8080 or u can also try this fast proxy given by RESUME2 MOBILE OFFICE SETTING apn : airtelgprs.comproxy : : 8080 step 2: forall handler (except opera mini) use below front query: live.airtelworld.com@ ('@' dis symbol is important,there is no space after or befor '@' symbol, u can also use space trick with given ip) now leave all field blankin handler menu.. No Use d above setting wich is recenty created i.e RESUME MOBILE OFFICE SETTING now enjoy it... step 3 : for opera4.xx and opera5.xx just write in both custom http server : http://live.airtelworld.com@server4.operamini.com/custom socket server : socket:// other field blank and use above created setting i.eRESUME MOBILE OFFICE SETTING...Dnt forget to thnx us by clicking ads of our sites n do share our site in ur frends.